Kayak Cash Back

Shop at Kayak and earn the most cash back.

KAYAK is a travel search site. Everybody knows what a search site is, and everybody knows what a travel site is. KAYAK is like both, but it’s different in some important ways.

Like a search site, we help you find what you want. What makes us different is that we’re specialized. Our tools are made to deeply understand things like airfares and hotel stays. And like a travel site we have flights and hotels. But we’re very different from most travel sites because we don't actually sell plane tickets, hotel rooms, or anything else.

We help people find the best travel choices easily by searching the data from hundreds of travel sites at once. KAYAK lets you compare options, and when you find something that fits your budget and tastes, you book it where you want: at the airline site, from the hotel, or from a travel agent.

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